11 thoughts on “Rio Grande Valley Feeling Contemplative

  1. Yeah, the Rio Grande Valley is between the mountains in the distance and the mesas closer up. The river itself is maybe 20 miles away. And yeah, it is only grande compared to the other itty bitty rios around here.

  2. The Rio Grande would be a lot mas grande if pesky humankind didn’t take most of its water (and that of its tributaries) for irrigation.

  3. Water or not, it’s a pretty place for pornicating pomeranians. (See Footnote)

    Footnote: I actually witnessed the deed today, but in Pasco. Come spring, lock up yer wives and yer daughters if they are the types to ordain blight upon your coming decade by acting upon infatuations with no regard for genetic destiny.

  4. Pornicating Pascan Poms. Just in case anyone thought the world was running out of fresh imagery.

  5. Pink pommed poetry posse penning plant protien porn pefore pigging parinarad pastas.

    Pootnote: Joanna is such a setter.

  6. A spider bit me in the night.
    I” ll soon be wearing spandex tights
    And fight the fight
    Of human rights
    Right now it burns and itches

    Another spider came along
    All tempting me with spider song
    Then I beheld a spider throng
    and cried You sons o’ bitches

    And so I left the spider church
    My flesh wont feed the spider works
    Or scab up where the spiders hurt
    These tights though
    Kinda fit me

  7. Dream Interpretation

    Let the bear lumber
    back to his wildness
    The bear with the tear
    in his eye
    Who taxidermed himself
    to fit
    Be free now
    Schwhomas goodbye

  8. Turtle Parade

    Wull she marched
    in a turtle parade
    After which
    all the turtles got laid
    But her shell was too soft
    and her snapper’d snapped off
    So for soup
    she got measured and weighed

  9. A book report on the first 60 some pages of the book (Women Who Run With The Wolves by Clarrissa Pinkola Estes) that Joanna made me go searching for in the barn (with some liberties taken):

    Northwind outthere
    blowing its coldest blow
    Cows tucked their heads
    into woodchuck holes
    The Predator knows
    Im too far from home
    So Animus lets talk things over

    Hiding away here
    way too long
    Around the bush
    around around
    I called out your name
    Yuh, you liked the sound
    Wull Animus won’t you come over

    If I called out once,
    I called out three
    Now Shakti! Shiva!
    Just look at me!
    The wind knows now
    to let me be
    Yuh, Animus he done came over

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